Async/Await Syntax in Swift, Kotlin and JavaScript

Most modern languages support  the ability for asynchronous function calls to be called from synchronous code blocks.  This language feature is usually called async/await.

This post is a brief syntax scratchpad comparing async/await in different languages.


In Swift, an await-able async function is created by adding the async keyword immediately following the function parameter list. Swift documents async/await in its concurrency documentation here.

func calculate(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) async -> Int {   
	  try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(5))
    return a + b

To call an async function in Swift, precede the function call invocation with the await keyword.

By default, Swift will suspend the thread calling await, and resume the thread when the await function returns.

let r1 = await calculate(2, 3)
// wait for successIn to complete
let r2 = await calculate(5, 6)
// after 10 seconds r1 and r2 are calculated

To run two or more  async invocations in parallel, assign them to let variables and await them as an array of function variables.

async let r1 = await calculate(2, 3)
async let r2 = await calculate(5, 6)

// trigger both invocations at the same time
let results = await [r1, r1]
// after 5 seconds r1 and r2 are calculated, and returned as [Int] array in results


Kotlin async/await is called suspend functions, and is documented on the site here.

suspend fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
  return a + b

The default behavior is the same as Swift, where the current coroutine is suspended and then resumed after a suspend function returns. In Kotlin, the await keyword is not used at the point where the function is invoked.

val r1 = calculate(2, 3)
// wait for successIn to complete
val r2 = calculate(5, 6)
// after 10 seconds r1 and r2 are calculated

To run the two suspend functions concurrently, wrap the suspend function calls in an async block.

val r1 = async { calculate(2, 3) }
// second call is made immediately 
val r2 = async { calculate(5, 6) }
// after 5 seconds r1 and r2 are calculated


In JavaScript, an async function is created using the async keyword as in Swift, but the keyword is positioned at the start of the function declaration like Kotlin. Documentation for JavaScript Promise/await can be found here.

async function add(a, b) {
  await sleep(5000)
  return a + b

As with Swift, the function is called with the await keyword.  Like both Swift and Kotlin, the default behavior when calling an async function is to suspend the current thread and continue after the async function returns.

const r1 = await calculate(2, 3)
// wait for successIn to complete
const r2 = await calculate(5, 6)
// after 10 seconds r1 and r2 are calculated

Calling multiple await functions in parallel can be done using Promise.all.

const [r1, r2] = await Promise.all([calculate(2, 3), calculate(5, 6)])
// After 5 seconds, r1 and r2 are calculated